Valentine’s Day Alone
Have you ever had a Valentine’s Day alone?
Well if not, consider yourself lucky, because it is only a select few who are invited to such an honour.
If you have, you are not alone ;) However the question is, how did you cope?
Does Valentine’s Day create an opportunity for bonding and love, or a hole that only those in a couple or brave enough to pretend to be, have to fill?
It’s not the worst thing to think that it the only day when you’re alowed to make real love… love that lasts and love that you can share with the world (through picture, video and story).
A risk such as this event is not comparable to Christmas, New Years, Saint Patricks Day or other holidays – because it is about more than family or friends, but relationships between lovers.
Can you see the benefit of missing out on such a holiday? According to me, is a hole that is filled by friends and family, happier (?) maybe smarter (?) maybe and more in love (?) maybe…
But what we can be sure of is that this hole unfilled is catastrophic, and this hole filled is everything anyone could ask for.
Could you put more more stress on one couple? One that cares the most about the well-being of others? About their love life. Their sanity.
As you can tell, it is rewarding to those who are heartless, but in love. With what ever is left for themselves. Because the pain of all the single people, or star-crossed lovers who cannot get any closer to each other this year, is too much to bear for the weak-hearted, who may be most adamant to create the best night for themselves- with what little, or a lot, they have.
Happy Valentine’s Day.