The Importance Of Focus In Entrepreneurship
We’ve all heard the saying:
“Concentrate all your thoughts on the work at hand.”
We all know deep down that we have to focus on one thing. It’s in our DNA… We are literally wired to become really good at one thing through practice and to do it for years without ever getting tired of it.
Just think of how many hours you’ve put into your craft. Starting with when you first started learning it, and how you’ve kept at it all the years it took to get to where you’re at.
This is not by accident.
Human societies have evolved to value individual focus above all else. When we focus on something, our love for it grows — we notice every little detail about it that makes it beautiful. And that motivates us.
We grow to love the thing we’re focused on. Next thing you know, we’re completely love-struck and carried away. We spend our time dreaming about a future where we can successfully do the thing. We make plans, we learn the things we need to know to do it better.
This is the social contract we have between us all. That we’re going to learn a field, get better at it, and never stop until we’ve become masters.
This is how we do our jobs, and this is how we run businesses.
The work that we do transcends the tasks that need to be completed. When we work on something that truly means the world to us, our lives are enthralled in it, and our world begins to transform.
The truth is, we wouldn’t want to buy from a company that is half-assing their products or service, their customer service, their delivery, etc.
So why would we ever do the same thing in our businesses?
Focus, in entrepreneurship, is paramount because, without it, our ship would never leave the harbour nor get to where it is destined to go.