The #1 Key To Influence
Ever wanted to change something but you felt that you just couldn’t?
Most of us struggle when we are faced with needing to change something in our lives. For a lot of us, that power, per se, seems a little out of reach. How can we, transient and mortal beings, take charge of our surroundings and make a difference?
The answer to such a question lies in the wonderful world of influence, where human beings empower themselves and make a difference.
You might be wondering, how? How does one find the strength let alone the know-how to making a difference in their day-to-day lives? Well for one, consistency makes a big difference.
When you want something to change, one of the most important to do is to keep hacking at it until the needle starts moving. Consistent effort in the right direction is a surefire way to get there as fast as possible. In whatever you do, you’ll need to keep asserting your will until something changes. For example, if you want to lose weight, you won’t without a consistent workout schedule. If you want to improve your career skills, you’ll have to train consistently over a period of time. If you stop, your progress stops — and if you wait long enough, starting again will feel like square one.
Consistent effort in the right direction is a surefire way to get there as fast as possible.
Mastering consistency is not an easy feat. In such a distracting and fast-paced world it can be easy to succumb to temptation and veer off course. That’s why understanding the following sentence is so important: “Consistency is the #1 secret to influence, in whatever you do”.
Growing a brand? You won’t impress many people with your inconsistent branding approach to the market. On the other hand, having a consistent branding approach can make you the authority in your community. This could look like posting every day or having a consistent branding strategy. Grow your brand by using consistency and your influence will skyrocket.
At work? Showing consistent work ethic and appreciation is a surefire way to move up the ranks, get a promotion and impress your coworkers. This in turn becomes the influence you need to achieve your work goals. Get that better office!
Hanging out with friends? Showing consistent appreciation for your friends is a good way to keep them close and on the same page. Many people take their friendships for granted and stop putting in the time and effort it requires to keep their closest relationships alive. Consistent effort towards the right direction is a surefire way to get there as fast as possible.
You see, influence doesn’t have to be more complicated than that. Although the field itself is endless, and other factors come into play, understanding and applying yourself consistently is a good way to get started.
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