In the beginning, there was nothing…
This story from the Bible, the one that described how everything came to exist, is so important for many reasons.
For one, it explains how at first there was nothing.
In our lives, when we begin something new, there really is nothing. No knowledge, no experience, no track record… There is nothing to build upon.
But somehow, we do it anyway. We’re able to make something come from nothing. A lot of the time, we do this by taking the first step. We do this by taking one action that moves us in the right direction, from which all other actions come about.
Just like in the story, where God created the first thing, and from that the next thing, and the next thing, and the next thing, we must do the same thing in our own lives. When we create something, learn something for the first time, or embark on a path on which we haven’t before, something magical happens.
Things start to move forward, and things start to take shape. This is something to be celebrated: no matter what you do, as long as you take the first step, and follow through with the next step, then you’ll end up where you want to be after a certain amount of time.
According to the story, the whole world was created from absolutely nothing. This enormous, wonderful universe came from a speck. So next time you’re wondering if you’re setting goals that are too big, or that you’ll never get there, or that it’ll take too much time, just remember that the universe is a reflection of who you are. And what you want to do, what you’re about to do, is just a mirror image of what you’ve already done — making the universe (or at least being really good at living in it).