How Do You Know When You’ve Found Your Niche?
Most people are stuck at niche picking.
They know what they want to do, they may have an idea of how to doing (or are learning how to), but something is holding them back.
Although it may be tempting to blame parents, friends, past experiences, lack of experience or lack of knowledge, the truth is that it’s just not that simple.
The truth is that most people are stuck because they haven’t found their niche yet. You know, that place where you feel cozy, in flow, and can’t wait to get out of bed every morning and get started on your work. That is what a true niche is. Not some fancy word to describe your position at a company.
Picking your niche is especially difficult for entrepreneurs, who have to decide on what their whole life ahead of them working at one thing, and that one thing having the potential of consuming their whole life, and their whole head, if they’re not careful and pick the wrong niche. (even though there really is no such thing;))
Too many people get stuck at the niche picking phase, where they think they need to have it all planned out, the industry knowledge, the marketing plan, the business plan, everything — before they even got started.
My stance on this is a simple one: start and learn how to fly on your way down.
That way, you know that the niche you’re picking is the one that’s right for you and that it’s the one that came the most naturally for you. You’re betting on yourself as opposed to betting on an industry or an idea.
In today’s day and age, it’s never been easier to do exactly that, with networking opportunities and social media sites, you can begin doing what comes naturally today, and nobody is ever going to tell you no.
This is just my 2 cents on the matter, what’s yours?